How to Make Homemade Conditioner
Have you ever walked into your local beauty store on a hunt for hair conditioner? Then you found the conditioner that you thought was going to be the one, but you could barely read what was listed in the ingredients. If someone were to ask you to read out loud what you see, could you even begin to fathom how the words are supposed to be pronounced? If you cannot say the ingredients, do you really think these products are safe for your hair? What about your scalp?
Why Should You Make Your Own Conditioner?
Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and has great absorption capabilities. So, all of those chemicals you are rubbing into your hair and scalp are being retained into your body. Just imagine the long term health effects. This is why it is imperative to learn how to make your own conditioner, or purchase them from a reputable source who can ensure that their ingredients are safe and natural.
Making Homemade Conditioner Is Quick and Easy!
Making your own conditioner is not as complex as it may seem. You do not need 10 different items mixed together in a magnificent way to get the job done. It also will not take you any longer than peeling your fruits or vegetables and turning on your blender.
All you need to make a homemade conditioner is an oil, a vegetable or fruit, and a blender. You can also add a few drops of an essential oil for scent. Some of my favorites are lavender, rose chips, peppermint, and lemongrass. Then store the conditioner in your fridge to extend it’s freshness to about a week.
Important Facts To Keep In Mind
The amounts needed for each ingredient vary on the viscosity you desire. The amount of oil you put in the conditioner affects how thick and slippery it is. In addition, Aloe Vera or Vitamin E oil can be added to increase the preservation of your conditioner because of their antioxidant properties. However, they should not be paired with water. Food products spoil because of oxidation, the process when food breaks down as a result of oxygen exposure and moisture. Therefore, none of these recipes include water.
Also, you are better off with Aloe Vera straight from the plant itself than buying already juiced Aloe Vera because of the possibility of other products being added to the juice. Not every manufacturer is 100% honest. Oftentimes, they hide important details so that customers are not aware that it is not pure Aloe Vera. You can find large Aloe Vera leaves at stores like Whole Foods.
Even so, I do not recommend making more than enough conditioner for one session because of the possibility of water exposure. Microorganisms only need two main conditions to thrive, food and water. All of the following ingredients are food that you can buy from your local market, and when you take a shower, water will inevitably get in the conditoner. So, to avoid an accumulation of yeast, mold, bacteria, and other fun microbes, only make enough of what you need right now.
Top 5 DIY Hair Conditoner Recipes
These measurements are based upon how much I put in my hair. I have very thick, waist length, type 4 hair with low porosity. The recipes may give you more, less, or just the right amount you need for your hair. Adjust the amounts of each ingredient according to your hair.
1. Avocado, Honey, and Coconut Oil Conditioner
•1 Avocado
• 1 cup of Coconut oil (If you want to melt it, place it in bowl, and place that bowl in boiling water. DO NOT MICROWAVE)
• 1/2 cup of Honey
• 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera
• 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E Oil
• Blend together until smooth
Benefits of Avocados For The Hair
Avocados are an outstanding source of beneficial nutrients such as iron, magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, proteins, and folic acid. When it comes to your hair, Vitamin A helps your scalp stay moisturized by increasing your scalp’s sebum production. Sebum is your hair’s natural oil that helps shield it from outside damage. Thus, with the aid of Vitamin A, your hair will be bouncy and smooth.
In addition, avocados provide your hair with Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an important part of the production of new hair follicles because it is one of the essential nutrients for producing keratinocytes, the cells that make keratin to strengthen your hair. In additon, avocados are excellent deep conditioners because they reach deep within your hair’s cuticles. Lastly, avocados have monosaturated fats which adds moisture to your hair, thus helping get rid of dry, frizzy hair.
Benefits of Honey For The Hair
Honey is an ancient superfood that can revitalize the hair in an instant. Its emollient properties helps to smooth your hair follicles. Honey is also a natural humectant and bonds to water molecules in the air or on your hair to maintain moisture. In additon, the antioxidants in honey fortifies your hair follicles and boosts blood flow in your scalp. This helps conteract oxidation which can result in damaged hair because of the free radicals being released.
Benefits of Coconut Oil For The Hair
Coconut oil is a great oil for healing bleached, chemically treated, UV exposed, or generally damaged hair. It’s chemical structure allows it to be readily absorbed into the hair shaft. This reduces both protein loss and hair breakage and results in longer and more moisturized hair. Moreover, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which allows it to be a great tool at combating yeast or fungal overgrowth such as dandruff.
2. Banana, Honey, and Vitamin E Oil Conditoner
• 1 Banana
• 1/2 cup of of Honey
• 1/4 cup of Vitamin E Oil
• 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera
• Blend together until smooth
Benefits of Bananas For The Hair
If you have hair breakage or split ends, bananas are excellent at alleviating those ailments. They are high in potassium and Vitamin B, which are responsible for maintaining thick and strong hair. Vitamin B also diminishes environmental damage such as pollution, excessive sun exposure, and dust.
Benefits of Vitamin E Oil For The Hair
Vitamin E is an excellent source of antioxidants which can help decrease oxidative stress along with free radicals. This results in stronger hair because your hair follicle cells are less likely to break down. Overall, it’s antioxidant properties helps maintain abundant hair growth. Thus, Vitamin E is also great at healing dull and fragile hair from heat and chemical damage.
3. Lime, Aloe Vera, Olive Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Honey Conditoner
• 1 squeezed lime
• 1 lime zest (just cut up and throw the rest of the lime in the blender after peeling)
• 1 cup (or 2 if you have a lot of hair) Aloe Vera
• 3-5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
• 1/4 cup of honey
• 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E Oil
• Blend together until smooth
Benefits of Limes For The Hair
Limes contain ample amounts of Vitamin C. This vitamin is an essential nutrient for hair growth and can be employed to decrease baldness, hair loss, and hair thinning. Limes are also wonderful to apply to your hair to clear excess oil or sebum because of its oil absorbing abilities. Though sebum is the natural oil of your hair and is produced by your sebaceous glands, it can result in dull, sticky, or oily hair. So, if you want to add a bit of shine to your hair, squeeze a little lime on your hair. Lastly, citric acid found in limes have demonstrated to be an effective tool for eliminating dandruff.
Benefits of Aloe Vera For The Hair
Aloe Vera is a well known natural hair remedy for many issues such as dandruff and flaking scalp. As a result of Aloe vera’s fatty acids which provide the plant with a considerable amount of anti-inflammatory properties, it is able to soothe an itchy scalp. In addition, it gets rid of excess sebum and restores the hair shaft to a healthier and softer state. By applying Aloe Vera to your hair, your hair will also become shinnier from the vitamins A, C, and E found in the plant. These vitamins are important contributors to cell growth, thus leading to stronger hair. Finally, Aloe Vera contains Vitamin B12 and folic acid which helps diminish hair loss.
Benefits of Tea Tree Oil For The Hair
Tea tree oil has multiple benefits such as getting rid of old product, dirt, and dead skin that may be blocking your hair follicles. It also moisturizes your scalp and alleviates itchiness. Moreover, tea tree oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties. As a results, this oil is great at fighting fungus and soothing skin irritation. Overall, tea tree oil is a very powerful oil that should be applied to the hair in small amounts.
4. Apple, Oats, Flaxseed Oil, and Honey Conditoner
• 1 Apple (juiced or blended)
• 1 cup of Oats
• 1/2 cup of Flaxseed Oil
• 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera
• 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E Oil
• 2 tablespoons of Honey
• Blend together until smooth
Benefits of Apples For The Hair
Apples are nature’s keratin booster. With the increase of keratin, you hair will become stronger, more voluminous, and less likely to fall out. Apples have biotin which promote healthy hair growth and stronger roots. In addition, they contain procyanidin B-2, which is said to shorten the testing phase and extend the growth phase of the hair growth cycle. Furthermore, they shield against UV radiation and mocroorganisms.
Benefits of Oats For The Hair
Oats are high in fiber, which is an important nutrient for hair growth. Oats also have exfoliating properties that keeps your pores from being clogged. They are also a source of lipids and proteins. These components keep your hair moisturized. Oats also contains saponin, a naturally occurring glycoside. Saponin is an excellent cleanser that refreshes your scalp and eliminates dandruff. Lastly, oats have Vitamin B, which acts as an anti-inflamatory and reduces scalp irritation.
Benefits of Flaxseed Oil For The Hair
Flaxseeds have Vitamin E, which builds up strong and healthy hair follicles. This vitamin also decreases the effects of free radicals on your scalp. Free radicals age and damage your hair. As a result, Vitamin E combats this and helps promote hair growth. In addition, flaxseeds are abundant in Vitamin B. Vitamin B also aids in strengthening your hair and causes it to grow at a faster rate.
5. Strawberry, Aloe Vera, and Olive Oil Conditoner
• 5 Strawberries
• 1 cup of Olive Oil
• 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera
• 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E Oil
• 2 tablespoons Honey
• 1 tablespoon Coconut oil
• Blend until smooth
Benefits of Strawberries For The Hair
Strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidants. This allows strawberries to give your body a boost in absorbing iron. Low iron levels cause hair loss. As a result, strawberries are a great way to increase hair growth. Also, strawberries are a good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body to create collagen. Collagen is necessary to keep your hair strong and prevents it from breaking. Moreover, it counteracts the free radicals that leads to oxidative stress, which can cause graying and hair loss. Lastly, strawberries have ellagic acid. This acid helps eliminate toxins and free radicals out of your body.
Benefits of Olive Oil For The Hair
Olive oil is an antibacterial and antifungal. It also provides a soothing feeling to your scalp, which relieves itchiness. Olive oil also obstructs the creation of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone known for causing your hair to fall out. Above all, olive oil has plenty of omega 6 fatty acids. This acid prevents your scalp and hair from drying out and breaking apart. Thus, it helps maximize hair volume and thickness. Lastly, olive oil has antioxidants which improves your hair growth by protecting your hair from destructive radicals.
In the end, before you go to the store to buy a conditioner, try one of these DIY, make at home, natural conditioner ideas. And if you like them, share these conditioner recepies with some of your friends.
Works Cited
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