It has been found to alleviate diarrhea, fevers, diabetes, and hypertension. Southeast Asian tropical tree related to the coffee plant whose leaves were traditionally employed to make tea or chewed and smoked to provide energy for long working hours.
Peppermint and Spearmint: Similar Yet Different
Peppermint and Spearmint are aromatherapeutic, anti-spasmodic, sedative, and carminative herbs. However, Peppermint has a stronger effect…
Can You Trust Labels on Herbal Products?
Adulteration poses a great health risk to the public and can cause adverse effects such as the case with Sudan dyes, a group 3 carcinogen.
The African Miracle Potato -Hypoxis hemerocallidea Benefits
African Potato earns its nickname as the Miracle Multi treating prostate hypertrophy, HIV/AIDS/ STDs, and infertility.
Valerian Root General Information and Monograph
Valerian root treats numerous symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiolytic for restlessness, and sleeping disorders.
Herbs For Easier Menstrual Cycles
Herbs that help with PMS symptoms Ashwagandha, Chaste Tree, Raspberry Leaf, Black Cohosh, Roman Chamomile, Passionflower
7 Way to Prepare For the Sabbath Day
How to Prep For the Sabbath 1. Make A List, 2. Start Prepping the Day Before, 3. Plan and Cook Meals Before Hand, 4. Grocery Shop Early, 5. Wake Up Before Your Husband…
3 Ways Women Have Terrible Relationships
Even though most women have nothing to bring to the table other than their money, bodies, and attitude, they truly believe that they are deserving of the Cinderella treatment. They are convinced that their relationship with this magical man they just met or hit up on Instagram will be a mystical, romantic adventure with no disagreement.
4 Things Black Women Need To Change From Kevin Samuel’s
With the passing of Kevin Samuels, this as an opportunity to disect what his message was to the black community. Many people are calling him …
The Ultimate Guide To Accomplishing Goals in 10 Easy Steps
1. Write your goals down, 2. Break your goal into smaller steps, 3. Set up a reward system, 4. Write down the benefits of accomplishing your goals, 5. Set due dates